15 February 2009

Evolution According To FaceBook

So with all this Facebook craze going around at the moment, found this picture I had saved in my laptop! Thought I'd throw it up here for the craic. Excellently done I must say aswell

Click on the image to see the full thing. 


  1. Hahahahaha that is just classs!!!

  2. CLASS....... i love the person who made this.

  3. Brilliant!!!! I luuurrrvveeee it!

    Where did you get it?

  4. Seen it on a forum around November, posted up a thread about it on another forum I use. Just remembered it now cos of my bloody FaceBook addiction!

    Luckily the link was still alive! Have saved it now to my computer so it's in my hard drive FOREVAAAAR!

    Glad you liked it, wish I had a better quality of it though!
